辛格兄妹-国创艺术馆 主办
Singh Brother & Sister - Guo Chuang Art Museum Presents
“Adi Kavya- The first poem”
A dance-drama based on Ramayana(inspired by Prof JiXianlin's translation)
Shunyi Grand Theater Beijing
印度古典婆罗多舞舞蹈家金珊珊女士执导。灵感来自季羡林教授将梵文文本翻译成的中文。《罗摩衍那》以梵文写成,学者们估计现存最早的文本创作于公元前 7 世纪至公元前 5 世纪,后期则延续到公元 3 世纪。作为一部印度史诗,《罗摩衍那》被誉为“印度文化的奠基之作,东方文明的瑰宝”,不仅在印度文化史上占有举足轻重的地位,而且对东南亚文化也产生了深远影响。见证一段奇幻的旅行……在古老的阿逾陀王国,王子罗摩、他的妻子悉多和兄弟罗什曼那开始了为期 14 年的森林流放,这段充满牺牲和考验的经历为一段关于爱、忠诚和命运的非凡故事奠定了基础。当悉多被强大的魔王罗波那绑架时,罗摩开始了穿越魔法森林和海洋的大胆探索,并与勇敢的猴子领袖哈努曼等忠诚的盟友联合起来。它是一个关于爱与勇气、荣誉与责任的故事,同时也是一个探索牺牲、坚韧以及光明与黑暗之间永恒斗争的、永不过时的深层探讨。
Recently, the most magnificent dance drama of India's epic Ramayana, co-hosted by Singh Brothers and Sister Guochuang Art Museum and the Indian Embassy to China, was staged at Beijing Shunyi Grand Theater on January 25 2025. 80 Chinese artists aged from 5 to 80 performed on the stage, and more than 1,000 spectators witnessed this grand occasion. Guests attending the event included: Ms. Sun Haiyan from the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Mr. Luo Zhaohui, Director of the National International Development Cooperation Agency, Mr. Le Yucheng, former Chinese Ambassador to India, Mr. Ai Ping from the China International Exchange Association, Mr. Wu Weishan, Director of the National Art Museum of China, etc. In addition, there were 23 ambassadors and their families from embassies of different countries, 30 DCMs and their families from embassies of different countries, and a total of about 500 diplomats, Included: Ambassadors of the Republic of Argentina, the Federal Republic of Germany, Nepal, the Republic of Iceland, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Republic of Armenia, the Independent State of Samoa, Switzerland, Romania, Turkmenistan, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Lebanon, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Finland, the State of Israel, the Republic of Seychelles, the Republic of Latvia, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Republic of Italy, and Fiji.
This dance drama was directed by Ms. Jin Shanshan, a classical Indian Bharatanatyam dancer and Inspired by Professor Ji Xianlin's translation of the Sanskrit text into Chinese. Ramayana is written in Sanskrit and scholars estimate that the earliest extant text was created between the 7th and 5th centuries BC, and the later period continued to the 3rd century AD. As an Indian epic, Ramayana is hailed as "the foundation of Indian culture and the jewel of Eastern civilization". It not only occupies a pivotal position in the history of Indian culture, but also has a profound impact on Southeast Asian culture.
Witness a magical journey…In the ancient kingdom of Ayodhya, Prince Rama, his wife Sita, and brother Lakshmana begin a 14-year forest exile, an experience full of sacrifice and trials that sets the stage for a remarkable story of love, loyalty, and destiny. When Sita is kidnapped by the powerful demon king Ravana of Sri Lanka, Rama embarks on a daring quest through magical forests and oceans, uniting with loyal allies like the brave monkey leader Hanuman. It is a story of love and courage, honor and duty, and a timeless exploration of sacrifice, resilience, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness.
China-India cultural exchanges have a long history and we hope that they will become more numerous and more advanced in the future.
活动海报Poster of the Event
活动海报Poster of the Event
北京顺义大剧院,可容纳约 1000 名观众。
Beautiful Grand Shun Yi Theater of Beijing with capacity of around 1000 people.
北京顺义大剧院,可容纳约 1000 名观众。
Beautiful Grand Shun Yi Theater of Beijing with capacity of around 1000 people.
Shunyi Grand Theater at January 25th 2025, The Event Day.
Shunyi Grand Theater at January 25th 2025, The Event Day.
Shunyi Grand Theater at January 25th 2025, The Event Day.
Shunyi Grand Theater at January 25th 2025, The Event Day.
Shunyi Grand Theater at January 25th 2025, The Event Day.
Organizer Singh Brother & Sister at Shun Yi Grand Theater of Beijing on January 25th 2025, The Event Day.
Organizer Singh Brother & Sister at Shun Yi Grand Theater of Beijing on January 25th 2025, The Event Day.
Indian Ambassador to beijing gave welcome speach at Shunyi Grand Theater of Beijing on January 25th 2025, The Event Day.
Indian Ambassador to beijing gave welcome speach at Shunyi Grand Theater of Beijing on January 25th 2025, The Event Day.
Ramayana Indian dance drama scenes at Shunyi Grand Theater Beijing, January 25th 2025.
Ramayana Indian dance drama scenes at Shunyi Grand Theater Beijing, January 25th 2025.
Ramayana Indian dance drama scenes at Shunyi Grand Theater Beijing, January 25th 2025.
Ramayana Indian dance drama scenes at Shunyi Grand Theater Beijing, January 25th 2025.
Ramayana Indian dance drama scenes at Shunyi Grand Theater Beijing, January 25th 2025.
Ramayana Indian dance drama scenes at Shunyi Grand Theater Beijing, January 25th 2025.
Ramayana Indian dance drama scenes at Shunyi Grand Theater Beijing, January 25th 2025.
Ramayana Indian dance drama scenes at Shunyi Grand Theater Beijing, January 25th 2025.
Ramayana Indian dance drama scenes at Shunyi Grand Theater Beijing, January 25th 2025.
Ramayana Indian dance drama scenes at Shunyi Grand Theater Beijing, January 25th 2025.
Organizers "Singh Brother & Sister Guochuang Art Museum" Mr. Bharat Singh and Mr. Wang Dong taking memorable picture in-front of event poster at Shun Yi Grand Theater of Beijing on January 25th 2025, The Event Day.
Organizers "Singh Brother & Sister Guochuang Art Museum - Mr. Bharat Singh, Mr. Wang Dong, Indian Embassy DCM Mr. Abhishek Shukla and his wife Mrs Solani Shukla" taking memorable picture in-front of event poster at Shun Yi Grand Theater of Beijing on January 25th 2025, The Event Day.