华琪国际集团创办人及执行主席张秋源博士(Teo Choo Guan)荣任“瑞典世界和平奖顾问”在美国东部时间(Eastern Standard Time)2024年10月25日亮相美国纽约时代广场纳斯达克大屏,并于国语,英语,马来西亚语语言播报;世界的十字路口见证和平的力量。
纽约时代广场(Times Square)位于美国纽约市曼哈顿区第42大街、弗洛德街跟第7路交叉的三角地带,是财富与文化双雄交汇的“世界十字路口”。在这里,年均客流量数千万人次、人员流量上亿人次;作为全球最受瞩目的商业核心地段,全球高端品牌长期在这里传播品牌形象;而这里播出的信息多次引起BBC、路透社等传媒巨头的关注,成为名副其实“吸引世界目光”的最佳窗口之一,能够登陆纽约时代广场,也随之成为了众多品牌梦寐以求的“荣耀时刻。
自于1989年成立以来,瑞典世界和平奖推动世界和平,增进不同文化、信仰、宗族、国家之间的了解。瑞典世界和平奖是由由欧洲的泰国桑卡联合会(Union Of Thai Sangkha)主办的颁发的一个声望卓著的奖项。此次亮相时代广场,向世界传递“瑞典世界和平奖”的核心理念,邀请全球共同关注瑞典世界和平奖。
华琪国际集团创办人及执行主席张秋源博士(Teo Choo Guan)创办的华琪国际集团”,现已分布在亚太地区和欧洲各国。如今,“WAKi”品牌是亚太地区家喻户晓的保健品牌。
Waki Teo Choo Guan Honored as Advisor for Sweden World Peace Awards, Featured on Nasdaq Screen in Times Square
Dr. Teo Choo Guan, Founder and Executive Chariman of Waki International Group,was honored as an "Advisor for the Sweden World Peace Award." and appeared on the Nasdaq Screen in Time Square, New York, on 25 October 2024, Eastern Standard Time, with the broadcast being delivered in three languages: Chinese, English, and Malay.
Times Square, located at the intersection of 42nd Street, Broadway, and 7th Avenue in Manhattan, New York City, is famously known as the "Crossroads of the World" where culture and commerce converge.The annual foot traffic here reaches tens of millions, with billions of people passing through each year. As a global commercial hotspot, many prestigious brands maintain a long-term presence here to enhance their brand image. Information displayed on the screens at this iconic location frequently attracts attention from media giants like BBC and Reuters, making it a coveted "moment of glory" for many brands.
Since its establishment in 1989, The Sweden World Peace Awards is dedicated to promote world peace and foster understanding between different cultures, religions, ethnicities, and nations. The Sweden World Peace Awards is organized by the Union of Thai Sangha in Europe. This appearance in Times Square aims to convey the core values of “The Sweden World Peace Awards” to the world and inviting the world to focus on its.
Waki International Group, founded by Dr. Teo Choo Guan, It is now distributed in the Asia Pacific region and various European countries. Nowadays, the "WAKi" brand is a well-known healthcare brand in the Asia Pacific region.
WAKI has set up WAKI international branches and joint ventures in Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Chinese Mainland. Huaqi International headquarters is located in Huaqi Building in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Huaqi International Group has always adhered to the belief that innovation will definitely bring unlimited business opportunities.
Since starting the business, we have always adhered to the concept of "taking from society and using from society". In addition to donating funds and supplies to orphanages and nursing homes of various ethnic groups in need, we also donate to assist some religious groups in their daily expenses and building religious sites, regardless of religion.
我们要“互 相分享不一样的你我”,那才能够“互相关怀共享世界和平”。因此,我今天的得奖感言,就是要强调生命之间的“互相尊重、分享与关怀”,这些都是我们从事社会工作的一种人道主义精神。但要 付诸行动。
我觉得有三个层次:第一是“明白”,就是先在内心弄明 白这道理。不过,“明白”只是停留在内心,那还不够,所以就需要 有所行动,到了第二层次去搞“清楚”,这样才能把道理了解透彻, 而采取行动便是走出内心世界。第三层次是行动过程中保持“清醒”,因为我们虽然“清楚”方向目标, 但在行动中免不了面对各种挑战,包括一些意想不到、突然而来的情况。
所以,我们要临危不乱,要每时每刻保持头脑“清醒”,要冷静的应变才会在最后到达目标,把人道主义的社会工作做得最好。尊重的嘉宾:我今天就以“明白、清楚和清醒”三个层次来总结得奖感言。因为我是清醒的认识到:在荣获“世界和平奖” 顾问之后,我的生命将会迎来更多更广泛的挑战,而我将一如既往的保持清醒继续努力工作。
“We must always respect the differences between us humans. Always share and care for each other despite our differences.With this, we are able to create a world of harmony.” he added.
He further explained his philosophy of social work,adding therewere three phases of building humanity through social work.
“The first stage is to understand mutual respect.The second stage is to make clear the truth. 0nly when you have a thorough understanding,
do you take action. The third point is to keep your mind awake so you would be able to do social work better even when facing challenges.”
“Action can be taken only if we have obtained a clear understanding of its purpose and the whole picture of the social work to be carried out. Along the way. there will be challenges and obstacles. Only with clear minds and strong purpose, we can overcome them and move forward.“he said.
During the World Peace Award ceremony, WAKI International Group also received the “Sponsorship Award”from the Organizing Committee of the Sweden World Peace Award. This award served as a recognition for the collective effort to sponsor the World Peace Award Ceremony.
As Executive Chairman of Waki International Group and Advisor to the Sweden World Peace Awards, Dr. Teo Choo Guan is committed to demonstrating his unwavering dedication to world peace while adhering to his original aspirations. He shared his profound experience from his life journey: “Respect the differences between us, Sharing and caring despite our differences, thus we can create a harmonious world.”