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笔墨丹青·珍爱和平——国际和平艺术推选人物 沈玉亭

2024-10-16 11:28:15   来源:今日热点网

沈玉亭,号墨亭书凤,斋号雨墨堂、南泓小筑。1957年12月出生于江南书香门第,家学渊源,自幼跟浙北名宿江蔚云先生(浙北六老之一,人称“浙北章草第一手”)习书,正草隶篆皆能,尤擅篆隶,自成一格,同时又精油画、工雕刻、能治印,书画作品被美国、日本、中国台湾、中国香港等海内外知名收藏家珍藏。国内著名书画评论家陶咏白、著名油画家苏笑柏称:沈玉亭书画笔力遒劲、碑味浓郁、洒脱自然,诗书画合为一体,作品独具匠新。其油画作品多次刊登在中国美术报,美术天地丛书。多次参与国内大型展览。 沈玉亭现为嘉兴市书协会会员、世纪大采风书画院副院长、中央电视台星光大道栏目组艺术顾问、中华卫视《艺术风采》栏目组艺术总监、央媒文化组委会副秘书长,亚洲国际青年电影节评审团主席,嘉善县台联会理事。








Shen Yuting, also known as Moting Shufeng, with studio names Yumotang and Nanhong Xiaozhu, was born in December 1957 in a scholarly family in the Jiangnan. He inherited a deep family tradition in the arts and began studying calligraphy at an early age under Jiang Weiyun (one of the Six Elders of Northern Zhejiang, known as the Master of Zhangcao in Northern Zhejiang). He is proficient in regular script, cursive script, clerical script, and seal script, with a particular expertise in seal and clerical scripts, in which he has developed his own unique style. In addition to calligraphy, Shen is skilled in oil painting, carving, and seal engraving. His works are cherished by renowned collectors in the United States, Japan, Chinese Taiwan, Chinese Hong Kong, and other regions.

Famous art critics such as Tao Yongbai and well-known oil painter Su Xiaobai have praised Shen's calligraphy and painting, noting that his work is vigorous, rich in the flavor of stone inscriptions, free-spirited, and natural. They highlighted how his poetry, calligraphy, and painting are integrated into a unified whole, with his works demonstrating unique creativity. His oil paintings have been published multiple times in China Art Newspaper and the Art World book series, and he has participated in several large-scale exhibitions across the country.

Currently, Shen is a member of the Jiaxing Calligraphy Association, the vice president of the Century Dacaifeng Calligraphy and Painting Academy, an art consultant for CCTV’s Avenue of Stars, the art director of China Satellite TV's Artistic Style program, the deputy secretary-general of the Central Media Cultural Committee, the chairman of the jury for the Asian International Youth Film Festival, and a director of the Jiashan County Taiwan Federation.

- In 1976, he began working as an engraver at Jiashan Furniture Factory.

- In 1988, he pursued further studies for one year at the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts.

- From 1991, he served as the director of the government-owned Jiashan County Fine Synthetic Chemical Plant for ten years.

- In 2011, he was appointed as the lifetime honorary president of the Calligraphy and Painting Academy at Taiwan's National Palace Museum.

- In 2015, he worked in administration at Zhejiang Fengkang Group.

- In 2018, he became the art director of Zhejiang Fengkang Group and Fengling Culture and Art Co., Ltd.

- In 2018, he participated in an exhibition in France, where he won an award.









